How to hold an awareness-raising stall


Jump to: Setting up | What to say

Having a White Ribbon stall is a very effective way of raising awareness and asking men to take responsibility in ending male violence against women.

Encourage everyone who comes to your stand to wear a white ribbon and use it as a starting point to talk about ending violence against women, and for men to make the White Ribbon promise.

Having an awareness stand at an event or at popular locations can also be a place where people who are experiencing violence are able to find out where they can get support.

It’s possible to hold a stand almost anywhere – in your workplace, the foyer of a sports club, shopping centre, at colleges and universities. If you’d like to hold a stand with a table in the street you may need a permit from your local council (they usually have an online application process). If you would like to have one on a private premises such as a shopping centre speak to the manager, they will usually be very supportive.

Setting up your stall

Get creative! Make sure your stand appeals to the kinds of people you’re expecting to meet. Some examples we have seen have been hanging messages on a tree, providing cakes, and practical themes for young people like the ‘Hands are Not for Hurting’ activity.



Getting set up

Ask about car access before the day. It’s also possible to get what you need in a wheeled suitcase which could be more pracitical. If you are outside it may be worth bringing along some things that can be used as paperweights and clothespegs, string, scissors etc may be worth having with you.

Make sure your stand looks welcoming! If you are having a stand as part of a fair or exhibition a table will usually be provided. If there won’t be a tablecloth provided you might like to take one of your own, or even a sheet to throw over it.


Staffing the stand

It’s great to have a small group of people to staff the stand. Three is a great number as you can always have two people on the stand, and it allows you to take a break.


Publicising your stand

Please take photographs of your stand and let people know what you are doing. Use #whiteribbonday and #makethepromise hashtags, and tag us in @WhiteRibbon_UK

Getting people to make the promise

The White Ribbon UK promise is to never commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women. To ensure promises are counted, they must be made online at This can often be difficult to achieve at stands as people often don’t want to use a device. However there are a number of ways to speed up this process.

  1. QR Code

    These are basically ‘links’ in the real world. Most modern phones allow you to hold the camera in front of the code, and the phone will automatically take you to the website that has been coded into the QR code. Click the button to download the White Ribbon UK Promise QR Code. This can then be printed out and laid out on the stall so people can make the promise using their phones.

  2. Laptop or tablet

    If you are happy to provide use of a personal laptop or tablet at the stall, this can be a simple and easy way to ensure people can make the promise at your stall. Please make sure the laptop or tablet has a browser open at, and that form auto-complete is switched off (this prevents others from seeing personal e-mail addresses that may have been entered by previous people).

  3. Signposting

    Our ‘Promise Cards’ included in the stall kit, contain the web link for people to make the promise. If there is not the facility to make the promise at your stall, please ensure people take a card with them so they can do it later.

  4. Paper promises

    This is not recommended as you will have to spend time uploading promises manually using our web form. If you wish to collect paper promises, please ensure you use the promise sheet we provide, which includes GDPR declarations. Click the button below to download the ‘Promise Sheet’:


Please make sure you tidy up and clear away any rubbish. Let us know how it went and send us your photos. Please click the link below to find out how to pay in any donations:


What to say

Above all, smile and be friendly. Always remember that people may be experiencing, or be survivors of violence, and that the contents of the stand may be triggering. Keep to the information on the leaflets and offer a help card.


At beginning:

“Hello – thank you for visiting our stand”.

“Have you come across White Ribbon before?”.

“We work with men and boys to change the cultures that can lead to male violence against women”.

“We ask all men to consider making the White Ribbon promise ‘to never commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women’ – you can do this online at”.

“It would be great if you would wear a white ribbon – this shows your commitment to making a difference and is an opportunity to talk to others”.

“Please also take a ‘where to find help card’”. (always offer one of these)


If they show interest in White Ribbon

“You might like to consider becoming a White Ribbon Ambassador (men) these are volunteers who work within their communities to challenge cultures and act as role models”.

“We also have an accreditation scheme for workplaces. It would be great if you could encourage your workplace to get involved”.


Order more awareness-raising materials