White Ribbon UK

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WRUK suspends North Wales Fire & Rescue Service

All women deserve to be safe at work and free from the fear of violence and abuse

White Ribbon UK has suspended North Wales Fire and Rescue Service’ Accreditation, pending a meeting.

White Ribbon UK exists to end problematic, abusive and misogynistic male cultures to stop violence against women before it starts. Our approach is to positively transform harmful attitudes and promote a culture where men understand not to use violence, excuse violence or remain silent about violence — in all its forms.

White Ribbon Accredited Organisations commit to working towards ending harmful cultures that lead to violence, with an Action Plan. White Ribbon Accreditation does not mean that an organisation has met a standard.

Our thoughts are with victims, and those who live in fear of abuse and violence. Women's experiences inform and drive White Ribbon's work to end gender-based violence. 

White Ribbon UK continues to advocate for safe environments for women to live and work free from the fear of violence and actual violence.